Paranormal Books

Hi Readers! I'm Jeri Westerson.

I'm a native of Los Angeles and an award-winning author who writes the critically acclaimed Crispin Guest Medieval Noir series, a Tudor mystery series on the way, two urban fantasy series (and more on the way), a gaslamp fantasy-steampunk series, a Sherlock Holmes pastiche mystery series in the planning stages, and an LGBTQ mystery series under the pen name Haley Walsh.

To date, my medieval mysteries have garnered thirteen industry award nominations, from the Agatha to the Shamus. I have proudly served as president of the Southern California Chapter of Mystery Writers of America, president of Sisters in Crime Orange County, and vice president for Sisters in Crime Los Angeles. I'm also a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and the Historical Novel Society. Whew!

I truly enjoy engaging in these different genres and I'm pretty excited that you signed up for my newsletter so you can find out more about them. At beginning of each season--roughly to coincide with Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall--the newsletter automatically goes out to your email and is chock full of fun stuff, usually lots of Halloweeny stuff. I always include "This Month's Spooky Thing" which is usually a humorous cartoon or photo.


I always list events where I will be either in-person or on Zoom that you will probably want to mark your calendars for including book launches I do in-person AND on Facebook and YouTube for your convenience, and all sorts of other things, including giveaways! So be on the lookout for those. I know you get a lot of emails, but this is only once a quarter, four times a year, so I hope you open it, because you never know what might be inside. 

If you ever want to ask me a question or just chat about something, you can always friend me on
Facebook. Or email me at

Just for signing up, I'd like to send you a FREE GIFT. And you never know what it might be, from an ebook to a signed bookplate...or other fun stuff, so be sure to include your mailing address. I DO NOT SELL YOUR INFORMATION. Frankly, I wouldn't even know how. So don't worry about that.

Thanks for signing up. See you next quarter.

These are ALL my covers for novels, novellas, anthologies, and short far!
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